CSS: 4 Steps to Flex

May 11, 2021


There are 4 simple steps to use Flex.

  1. Make your current container as ‘flex’: display
div {  display: flex; }

2. Choose the main-axis: flex-direction

div {  
display: flex;
/* two choices: row or column, and each one has reverse. */
flex-direction: column;

3. Choose the alignment along the main-axis: justify-content

div {   
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;

4. Choose the alignment along the cross-axis (opposite of main-axis): align-items

div {   
display: flex;
flex-drection: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

… and if your div has height: 100vh, whatever contents/items in the div will be arrange right at the middle of your view-port.




Written by .

Engineer & runner based in Bangkok, Thailand.

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